Professional Bio
Nikki Slade is a leading pioneer in the field of chanting, core voice and sound work in the UK for over 30 yrs. Nikki has inspired thousands of individuals to chant and has led chanting and voice workshops in a wide variety of settings including companies such as M&C Saatchi, Deutsche Bank and Cisco. She has been resident Kirtan leader at triyoga London for 20 years and has also taken her cutting-edge approach to working with the voice into Wandsworth men’s prison. She was the resident voice and sound facilitator at the Priory Hospital in North London for 20 years where she has, through her work, supported the recovery of people on the addiction treatment programme.
For the past 10 years she has been facilitating chanting and voice workshops at the half-way recovery house Start 2 Stop in central London. Nikki has worked extensively, privately with sound and voice work for leaders in their fields including Business leaders, Therapists, Yoga teachers, School teachers, Writers and Performing artists. She has released 4 successful mantra and chanting recordings including: Nectarine, Monsoon, Soundscape and the double album Epiphany.
She is also author of her popular book ‘The Healing Power of Chanting’. In recent years she has pioneered Kirtan in the mainstream areas of Glastonbury Festival and Latitude Festival and The World Yoga Festival. She has shared her work overseas in California, Singapore, NYC, Mexico City, Brussels and Melbourne. On 11.11.11 at Mind, Body, Spirit show she led a chant for the opening ceremony for over 2000 people and once again at the 12.12.12 Oneness ceremony at the London Hilton. Nikki is the founder of the first in the UK 200hr Learn To Lead Kirtan Foundation Training, accredited by The Yoga Alliance Professionals in 2016. She completed leading the 6th training her in the UK in November 2023
She has received excellent reviews for her 1-to-1 voice coaching in Vogue, Telegraph, Independent, Guardian and Daily Mail.
Chanting for change and transformation:
Working with addicts
My most rewarding ongoing work is with recovering addicts at the Priory North London and more recently with Start2Stop in South Kensington. I’ve watched the profound difference the power of chant has had on the people. When they arrive they are invariably shut down and depressed and an hour later they emerge free, dancing, laughing. Some people when they come out of treatment stay plugged into the chanting by coming to my weekly Kirtan group at Triyoga. The majority buy my CDs and stay connected that way. Working with addicts weekly for over 13 years has been one of the most profound parts of my journey.
Working with business leaders
In the 1990’s I had a vision of bringing chanting and the sound of the soul to the business world. I had the dream to create the space for the leaders of the world to connect to their authentic voice and was committed to facilitating massive change. It took over ten years to get my first corporate gig in the late 1990’s, but now, the majority of my clients are business leaders and entrepreneurs. The work we do together propels and transitions them into the next stage of their life’s work and that is an exhilarating journey for me to be a part of.
Working with religions to dissolve conflict
My deepest vision is to be used as a vehicle for dissolving religious barriers. In recent years I have had the opportunity to lead a chant with an audience where 5 different religious leaders spoke. The intention was to create a point of unity in all religious paths. It was such a wonderful experience to sense the dissolution of any sense of separation in the room. When you chant you are in that space of oneness. You cannot experience separation – When you are in the presence of pure love, all barriers automatically dissolve.
“Nikki’s kirtan has the power to explode love in the room…
Sally Kempton, Spiritual teacher and Author of Awakening Shakti -
Her style and expertise has the power to bring individuals and groups together very quickly which then allowed us to work more effectively with our programmes.
JC Mac, JCM Associates Ltd Managing Director
Nikki’s Journey