Where’s your vibe at?
Vibration is everything. Literally. And your vibration (the energy and frequency you project into the world) determines your experiences, your results and the opportunities you create and attract in your life.
The formula is simple. When you are connected to your authentic voice, you naturally feel good and attract more wonderful things into your life. When you are disconnected you feel bad and it can quickly become a downward spiral. The great news is …There are so many ways you can connect yourself to a higher vibration. Through prayer, dance, movement, yoga, meditation, eating healthy food, exercise, gratitude exercises – there’s lots you can do. However one of the quickest and most overlooked ways is through sound – and more specifically – through chanting
Chanting bypasses the mind,
self-judgement and fear
I’ve been working with chanting and sound as a tool for transformation for 25+ years and it’s one of the most powerful ways to bypass the mind, open your heart and start living your true purpose. It gives you instant access into what I call “the sacred chord”- your inner voice.
Meditate with your Voice
You might think chanting sounds a little strange and a bit woo-woo and yes it totally is, the same way mindfulness might sound a little strange if you’ve never heard of the concept before. Like meditation, chanting is a profound practice that helps you quieten our mind, relax the body and shift your awareness and vibration.
Why is chanting so powerful and effective?
What makes chanting so powerful is the freedom we experience when we use our voice. Most of us spend our days blocking communication and holding back what we want to say. We swallow our anger, hold back our sadness, and turn our feelings inward without any vehicle to release them.
Chanting enables us to say what we mean and mean what we say.
Chanting provides an avenue for full Self-expression. We chant in Sanskrit, the oldest language in the world and each mantra we chant has divine meaning that will help align you to your truth; But there is no need to get hung up on what the words mean as the effects are transformational.