Welcome to the Master your Path through Voice Course Homepage.
On this page you will find everything that you need to work through this course at your own pace. Please read through it carefully and if you have any questions which are not answered here or you have any difficulties accessing you course content then please email the Course Manager and Designer, Jenny Grainger at [email protected].
`Centuries ago there was a man who lived in a hot country on a heap of rubbish. He was dressed in a loin cloth and he had no material possessions apart from the stench of the rubbish he sat on each day.
One day he got really sick and died. After he passed away some local contractors decided to build a property where the heap of rubbish had been. In order to lay the foundations of the building they needed to dig down really deep into the sandy soil. To their astonishment several feet down they discovered a wooden box which they hoisted impatiently to the surface. They were extremely eager to see what was locked inside? They prized open the lid and, to their utter amazement, they saw a million gold coins and some priceless jewels gleaming back at them!` “We are rich!” they exclaimed, and they celebrated together on the street.
The moral of the story is that the man had been sitting on hidden treasure his whole life but he never got to enjoy because he never thought to look any deeper than where he sat. By contrast, the men that were willing to dig deeper reaped the rewards.
How often in life do we feel that someone else has got more treasure than us when, in reality, perhaps they were willing to dig deeper to manifest what they have? The simple truth is that the same treasure is available to everyone if only we could but see it.
The secret is that the real treasure is a vibrational realm within where we can connect to the oneness of the whole universe. When we can connect to this realm and stay there, life starts to flow effortlessly with the perfect synchronicities happening at the right time.
How can this course support you in finding your inner treasure?
As we dive inside and journey to the heart through uplifting practices that connect us to our highest vibration our true path starts to unfold. We begin to connect to our intuition in a crystal clear way.
Click below to access a downloadable recording of Om Namah Shivaya to accompany you through this course (and beyond). To download this bonus track simply click on the 3 buttons to the right of the volume icon.
Click on the Download button below to access and download the handout for this pillar.
Click below to access a downloadable recording of Kali Durge to accompany you through this course (and beyond). To download this bonus track simply click on the 3 buttons to the right of the volume icon.
Click on the Download button below to access and download the handout for this pillar.
Click on the Download button below to access and download the handout for this pillar.
Book your 2 free Rise & Shine Kirtans (Thursdays at 8am via Zoom) by emailing [email protected].
I hope that this introduction to mastering your path through voice has been empowering and fruitful for you.
Are you ready to go deeper?
If so, then you may choose to enquire about the possibilities for a private online journey with me where we can meet on a weekly basis and take your path to a whole new level together.
As a gesture of my appreciation for your participation thus far I am offering 20% off all packages of private sessions. Simply ask me for further info about this during your 20 minute private Q&A or email us mentioning that you are taking this course and we will take it from there.
Please note that, as per the information given to you at the time of purchase, the cost of this course is non-refundable as you have now received the full course content .
If you have any difficulties accessing your course content then please email the Course Manager and Designer, Jenny Grainger at [email protected].