Training Trainers in Kirtan Leadership
Certified Teacher Training
*This certified training is especially designed and only available for graduates of Nikki’s 200hr Learn to Lead Kirtan Foundation Training*
What will the graduate be able to do at the end of the course?
This course is designed to empower trainees in facilitating the six pillars in leading Kirtan, as founded by Nikki Slade. Including Yoga for Grounding, Vocal technique, The heart of Devotion (Bhakti), Mastery of the Inner Critic, Harmonium Study and Leadership Skills.
The graduate will have a strong background in the importance of grounding for Kirtan leadership and will be able to inspire their students to develop their own self practice to prepare their body as an instrument of sound.
-They will have a foundation mastery of being able to coach others in how to open their voices to chant for extended periods without vocal fatigue.
-They will be able to facilitate creative discovery sessions into an enquiry as to what Bhakti/devotion is for the student, they will create a workshop space where the student can explore the Poet Saints of India and the origins of Saguna and Nirguna devotion.
-They will be highly skilled in facilitating a 9hr workshop in assisting the students to overcome the trap, whilst they are leading, of being thrown by their inner critic or trapped by the allure of praise projections from their Sangham.
-They will learn that the art of leading Kirtan is to be a conduit of supreme consciousness, without their identity running the show. They will be equipped to empower the leaders to play a simple drone on the harmonium and to incorporate the instrument in accompanying all elements of leadership.
For those students who are ready, they will be able to develop simple notation skills whilst leading. Finally they will be able to illustrate to their students all the elements of Kirtan leadership, leading from how to set the space, to being able to demonstrate to students the rhythmic cycles of an extended chant as well as how to facilitate a space that is both grounded and connected to the heart for their community Kirtans in the future.
Time requirement: 88 contact hours
Pre-requisite: *This certified training is especially designed and only available for graduates of Nikki’s 200hr Learn to Lead Kirtan Foundation Training*
Dates: New dates for 2024 TBC
Cost: £2800
Prelude to Observation period: 2hrs
30 hrs
Dates TBC
8:45am – 5:30pm Attend Observation Days (some sessions are obligatory)
- Daily chant of the day (Day One is obligatory. Other days optional) (1hr)
- Observe minimum of 2 x Yoga for grounding sessions with Katy Appleton (1hrs)
- Observe and assist (as practice) Nikki in all vocal technique sessions (6hrs)
- Observe Nikki in all creative Bhakti/Exploration of the Poet Saints sessions (6hrs)
- Attend all Yoga philosophy sessions with Carlos Pomeda (9hrs Online. Optional and encouraged)
- Be accomplished in teaching the whole harmonium syllabus and assist as practice. (4hrs. Obligatory)
- Attend Spiritual Emergency session (2hrs. Obligatory)
TOTAL 20 hrs
- Write observational summaries on Vocal Technique, Bhakti Explored and Spiritual Emergency of minimum of 1000-1500 words to be submitted by 14th January 2024 in freelance time between modules.
- Revision and ongoing in depth personal practice in freelance time between modules.
Development & Integration days
OBSERVE minimum 1 x Friday Integration Day of your choice (4hrs)
OBSERVE minimum 2 x Saturday practice Days of your choice (4.5hrs)
OBSERVE 2 x students in development in 1-1 setting (3hrs)
TOTAL 11.5 hrs.
Write a 1000-1500 word observational summary on Nikki’s facilitation of ‘Come to the Edge’ journeys in freelance time to be submitted by 14th January 2024.
Write a 1000-1500 word observational summary in freelance of Nikki’s empowerment of students practice to be submitted by 15th January 2024.
Prelude to Observation period: 2hrs
Dates TBC
8:45am – 5:30pm Attend Observation Days (Some sessions are obligatory)
- Daily chant of the day (Day One obligatory)
- Yoga for voice (1hr. Obligatory)
- Mastering the inner critic (Day One 1 and 2. 14 hrs. Obligatory)
- Foundation tabla rhythms training (Optional review)
- Vocal Technique review and assist (2hrs. Obligatory)
- Observe Raaga with Sulekh Ruparell (4hrs obligatory). Attend 1x 2hr revision session with Sulekh
- Leadership skills for leading Kirtan in the community (6hrs. Obligatory)
- Developing Kirtan business skills (Optional)
- Integrating all aspects of training finale circle (5hrs. Obligatory)
TOTAL 35hrs
– Write observational essay of 1000-1500 words of Mastery of the Inner Critic in freelance time
(The flip sides of praise and blame)
– Practice Raaga studies until fully equipped to share in freelance time 2 x basic ragas with your students.
Development and Integration Days
Saturday 7th, Saturday 14th, Friday 20th, Saturday 21st October 2023
(Additional optional day on Saturday 14th October)
Fridays: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:45 am – 4:30 pm
OBSERVE minimum 1 x Friday Integration Day of your choice (4rs)
OBSERVE minimum 2 x Saturday practice Days of your choice (4.5hrs)
OBSERVE 2 x students in development in 1-1 setting (3hrs)
TOTAL 11.5hrs.
Mock Assessment Days
Friday 27th & Saturday 28th October 8:45 am – 4:30 pm & Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd November 2023. 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
OBSERVE final mock assessment day on Friday 4th November (Obligatory 2hrs )
Student Assessments
18 hrs
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th November 2023.(Obligatory to attend one out of the two days. 6hrs)
TOTAL 8hrs
Observation period Total: 86hrs.
Students Final Completion and Certification
Sunday 12th November 2023.
3:00pm – 6:00pm
Teaching Development Contact days with Nikki
Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm
- How to deliver vocal technique. 12hrs
- How to deliver Heart of Devotion processes. 9hrs
- How to deliver spontaneous grounding processes. 2hrs
- How to be rooted in the basics of Raaga. 3hrs with Sulekh
- How to deliver harmonium skills. 3hrs.
TOTAL 29 hrs
Integration period
- Attend two 1-1 sessions with Nikki (2hrs)
- Practice with course Buddy to suit schedule (12 hrs)
- Self practice to suit schedule (As required)
10am – 5pm
- How to deliver Mastery of the Inner critic. (11hrs)
- How to deliver Come to the Edge circle (6hrs)
- How to integrate for the student Spiritual Emergency (2hrs)
- How facilitate leadership skills (10hrs)
- How to facilitate Spiritual Emergency 2hrs (External facilitator)
TOTAL 31hrs
Integration Period
- Attend two 1-1 sessions with Nikki (2hrs)
- Practice with course Buddy to suit schedule (12 hrs)
- Self practice to suit schedule (As required)
- Plan create and integrate your own Assessment workshop. Invite students of choice a minimum of 6 -12 people.
Deliver a 6hr kirtan leader taster workshop integrating the following distinctions
- Grounding
- Vocal Technique
- Heart of Devotion
- Mastery of the Inner Critic
- Harmonium
- Leadership Skills
- Feedback with Nikki (2hrs)
Graduation and Certification
Dates TBC
What will I be able to do once certified?
The trainee emerges out of the training equipped with all the skills they need to empower future Kirtan leaders to take this practice into the world of yoga, work places, festivals, and social settings with dexterity and ease. They initially will be able to construct their own retreats and workshops to hone their skills. Then, after two years of consistent facilitation they are eligible to apply to lead the Nikki Slade 200hr Kirtan Leader foundation training after a prior re-assessment with Nikki Slade.
Time requirement: 88 contact hours
Pre-requisite:*This certified training is especially designed and only available for graduates of Nikki’s 200hr Learn to Lead Kirtan Foundation Training*
Dates: TBC
Cost: £2800
When & where
88 Contact hours Dates for 2024 TBC