Online Chanting – 20 Sessions Bundle package

Thursdays 8am GMT

Chanting sessions online with Nikki

20 sessions – Bundle purchase


This page is for those who wish to pay for a 20 session Online chanting bundle. Once you purchase the bundle, you will receive an email from [email protected] with the link for all sessions.

You can choose between any of the sessions available on Thursdays

Dates Available:

Only every Thursday morning at 8am BST. No session on:

Thursday 19th December 2024

Thursday 26th December 2024


Online Thursday evenings are hosted by triyoga online.

Please note that Nikki is doing in person sessions at triyoga at her usual Saturday time. You need to book through triyoga for the Saturday sessions and those are not included in these bundles.

Fees and Booking:

20 sessions: £120.00

To purchase individual sessions, please go to the events page of the specific day you want to attend.

How does this work? The sessions will take place in the Zoom online platform.

Once you book, we will send you an invitation from [email protected] or [email protected] with a link that you can simply click to open the zoom meeting directly from your computer, tablet or mobile device. No need to download any programmes or software. You will need to download the Zoom app only if you are connecting via mobile or tablet.

(IMPORTANT: Add us to your safe contacts list and or look in your spam and junk folders! The address is highly likely to be blocked by some servers). If you have trouble receiving the message with the link, please text us on 07932043277.

Please use the same name with which you made the purchase. If we don’t recognise the name, we might not let you in!

Booking: Pay with the orange button on the side panel.

Chanting (Kirtan) replenishes the soul and unites us with one another and is the perfect way to experience the joy of singing together where the focus is on participation rather than performance. Nikki leads these sessions with voice, harmonium and drum. You can join her in singing a range of easy-to-learn devotional and uplifting chants or just bask in the sound of the chants


“Nikki’s kirtan has the power to explode love in the room…

Sally Kempton

When & where

Sessions take place online via Zoom

No session on Thursday 19th and 26th December 2024

Thursdays 8am GMT


Online Chanting - 20 Sessions Bundle package