Learn to Lead Kirtan Taster Introduction Course

A 6 module self-study online course with Nikki Slade

Nikki Slade invites you to explore the joys of leading Kirtan (chanting) from the comfort and safety of your own home.


This 6 week introductory self-paced home study course is designed to help you to discover the chanting/kirtan leader within you.  Nikki provides an inspiring space for you to explore your Self as instrument of grace and devotion and she will empower you with all the basic tools you need to flavour what is involved in leading others into this heart-opening practice.

This is the first step as you learn how to lead Kirtan. This is a stand-alone Introductory Course but also the perfect bridge to help you to decide whether or not to proceed with Nikki’s highly respected Learn to Lead Kirtan Foundation Training .

This is a pre-recorded 6 module course which you can work through at your own pace. This course is approved by the Yoga Alliance Professionals UK and will count 50hrs towards your training hours.

Here is what one student said about the course –

“This was just what I needed at this stage on my journey with music, sound healing and mantra. I’ve been learning Vedic chanting for a few years, and I follow a Sufi path where we chant Sufi chants as part of our spiritual practice, but hadn’t yet had the confidence or sense of leadership / sense of how to accompany myself to lead chants. I loved how Nikki broke down the important sections to consider, and into step by step manageable chunks. It simplified and demystified aspects of leading Kirtan for me, and has given me the confidence to start trying chanting with others. ” 

MLR, London


Here is a short clip from Pillar 6: Leadership Skills.


1. GROUNDINGLearn to ground your body to hold the Shakti.

2. VOCAL TECHNIQUE: Learn basic vocal technique

3. DEVOTION: Learn to trust yourself as a devotional instrument

4. MASTERY OF THE INNER CRITIC: How to deal with your inner critic

5. HARMONIUM SKILLS: Learn simple harmonium accompaniments and new chants

6. LEADERSHIP SKILLSLearn to create the journey of Kirtan for others


Each of the 6 pillars includes –

30-40 minutes video tutorial recorded especially for you by Nikki (and Guest Teacher Katy Appleton of www.appleyoga.com for Pillar 1 – Grounding)

Content-rich handout

Downloadable chant by Nikki to inspire and uplift you.


Here is a clip from Pillar 3: Devotion


Register now and you will receive an email from Nikki giving you access to the Course Homepage with access to the 6 pillars which you can work through at your own pace and which you will have lifetime access to.


Cost: £168 (Vat Inc)

Cost for Sing Space membership holders: £151 (Please email [email protected] to arrange payment).

This course is approved by the Yoga Alliance Professionals UK and counts training 50hrs. Send us an email once you have finished your course and we will send you a questionnaire to complete, to prove your attendance


Please contact Course Manager Jenny Grainger at [email protected] with enquiries.

Although you do not actually need a harmonium to enjoy this course, Pillar 5 is Harmonium Skills and it is very likely that you will be inspired to try to find a harmonium to practice on. Obviously not everyone is in a position to be able to afford a harmonium so Nikki recommends that you try to borrow one for PILLAR 5 study. If not, then perhaps you may have access to a piano or keyboard?

If you are unable to find any of these options for Pillar 5 then Nikki suggests that you absorb as much information from the video as you can for now.

Some of you also ask whether you can accompany with guitar? Long-term this is possible but to get the most value out of the course and for your kirtan leading future the harmonium is the most popular traditional and suitable option.

For those of you who are seeking to buy a harmonium Nikki highly recommends any of these harmoniums listed below.  If you mention that Nikki Slade recommended them to you then you will be well looked after.

From JAS MUSICALS SOUTHALL – www.jas-musicals.com/southall

Call 0208 574 2686 ask for Jasmeet or she is happy for people to call her mobile during lock down. Her number is 07932 094561.

The  Jas yoga Peti is very popular with Nikki’s students as is the Jas Flight Deluxe model. Both are portable.

BINA MUSICALS – www.binaswar.com

They are offering all Nikki’s students 20% percent off and a free bag – a great deal!

23B 6 x stops portable – this is the one that Nikki has used for years and she loves it.

The Bhava Mini – This has been an extremely popular harmonium with previous students.  Full info here – https://oldelhimusic.com/products/bhava-mni-harmonium

The Ragamalapeti – Another nice harmonium – http://ragamalapeti.com


Anyone living in France or Belgium who needs support accessing a harmonium can contact my graduate student Claudio Salinas.  He is in a position to negotiate deals!  Email him here at [email protected].


When & where

This is an evergreen course so you can register and get started any time you want. To pay with SingSpace discount please email [email protected]


Learn to Lead Kirtan Taster Introduction Course